Mirin Academy Archives - 四虎影院: Specialist services & support for young people facing adversity https://devfostering.kibble.org/tag/mirin-academy/ Specialist provider of services for young people facing adversity or trauma. Residential Care, education, fostering, secure, psychological & YWD services. Wed, 20 Mar 2024 12:05:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 /wp-content/uploads/2020/06/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Mirin Academy Archives - 四虎影院: Specialist services & support for young people facing adversity https://devfostering.kibble.org/tag/mirin-academy/ 32 32 Industry Day 2024 at The Skills Academy /news/industry-day-2024-at-the-skills-academy/ Wed, 20 Mar 2024 11:49:13 +0000 /?p=6626 School pupils can attend our careers event in Hillington, Glasgow and be introduced to future employers.

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All school pupils are invited to attend our careers event in Hillington, Glasgow.

The Skills Academy is 四虎影院鈥檚 education and training centre, which supports young people gain the skills, qualifications and experience necessary to find and sustain employment. The varied curriculum, supportive learning environment and focus on entrepreneurship helps young learners to build illustrious careers. The academy鈥檚 annual Industry Day is an important date in our calendar. The careers event introduces school pupils to potential future employers.

馃搷 Industry Day at The Skills Academy, Hillington, Glasgow
馃搮 Thursday 18th April, 10am – 12pm

If you are a school interested in arranging for your pupils to attend, please email: communications@kibble.org

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Young People and Staff Put Best Foot Forward with a Football Friendly /news/young-people-and-staff-put-best-foot-forward-with-a-football-friendly/ Mon, 20 Nov 2023 10:53:37 +0000 /?p=6160 A football friendly between young people and staff was brilliant fun!

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Young people challenged staff to a fun game of football. The match involved young people and adults from Jura, Barra and Islay.

Young and old(er) football players met at the pitch for the friendly yet competitive match. Before kick-off the rules were explained with everyone agreeing to play a fair game.

Young people formed a team to try and out skill the adults and were determined to prove their footwork was up to the task. The young players showed brilliant enthusiasm and encouraged one another to keep heads up even when their older opponents scored a goal. Everyone laughed and enjoyed spending time together outside on the pitch.

One young player found the goalie鈥檚 performance hilarious: 鈥淔or a free-kick we picked our goalie to take a turn. However, he kicked the ball so high that it flew out the back-pitch 鈥 thankfully we had a spare football.鈥

The game had everyone laughing, although, young people have requested a re-match!

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Staff Development Day for Jura /news/staff-development-day-for-jura/ Mon, 20 Nov 2023 10:49:37 +0000 /?p=6154 Team-building fun was had at Jura鈥檚 Staff Development Day!

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Jura is one of three houses within 四虎影院鈥檚 Safe Centre and it is filled with adults who protect young people, making sure they are safe and happy. Jura鈥檚 staff team dedicated a day to team-building as part of their vision to continue learning, grow their service and help young people be the best versions of themselves.

The Development Day Agenda

The development day was held within one of St Mirren鈥檚 conference rooms allowing everyone to focus solely on the activities planned. It was an opportunity for the entire team to connect, reflect and implement new ideas. Insightful presentations were included too.

四虎影院鈥檚 Specialist Interventions Services (SIS) team of psychologists and therapists joined to deliver a training session about Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

Jura鈥檚 management team led a discussion on house ethos with everyone sharing their pride on being part of a fun-loving and friendly team as kids respond to the genuine camaraderie.

鈥淟aughter is the best medicine鈥

Jura鈥檚 new house motto

The personalised house slogan was a product of the team spending the day together as they agreed both adults and kids have great fun together with plenty of jokes and laughs.

Overall Jura truly represents 四虎影院鈥檚 value of belonging.

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四虎影院 Welcomed Scottish Fire and Rescue Service for a Road Safety Workshop /news/kibble-welcomed-scottish-fire-and-rescue-service-for-a-road-safety-workshop/ Mon, 16 Oct 2023 10:41:53 +0000 /?p=6123 四虎影院 invited Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to share with young people the importance of safe driving.

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四虎影院 invited Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to share with young people the importance of safe driving.

Young people listened intently to the qualified firefighters about road safety. The firefighters explained that as well as fires, they respond to road traffic collisions. It is their responsibility to rescue people and possibly carry out lifesaving first aid. Young people gained an insight and understanding of why driving safely is essential.

Young people discussed with firefighters what factors could impact driving from distractions to bad weather. Young people agreed on the recommended safety advice and understood the importance of following driving laws and guidance as the alternative consequences can be serious.

四虎影院 and Scottish Fire and Rescue worked alongside one another to provide valuable learning resources designed for young people. By collaborating and partnering with helpful organisations, we can enhance learning experiences for young people and include different perspectives to encourage interaction and insight.

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Sports Day Fun /news/sports-day-fun/ Mon, 16 Oct 2023 10:32:04 +0000 /?p=6120 Find out the fun had by adults and young people at the Sports Day competition.

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Jura, one of the houses within our Safe Centre, held a Sports Day. The healthy competition got everyone outside and active.

When it is dry weather outside with bright, blue skies it鈥檚 important to get outdoors as the fresh air can help our minds switch-off. The chance to clear our thoughts by spending time in natural light 鈥 whether exercising or relaxing is an essential part of any daily routine.

The adults within Jura always encourage young people to share how they would like to spend their time. The adults enthusiastically and wholeheartedly join in with the fun activities and games as spending time all together can create great laughs and happy memories. Young people decided to set-up a Sports Day and had great fun challenging one another and the adults around them.

鈥淜ids had a brilliant time – taking part in a Kirby Championship, wheelbarrow race and handstand competition.鈥

Rhiannon, Service Manager

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Education Scotland Publishes Inspection Report Awarding 四虎影院 as 鈥榁ery Good鈥 Across All Quality Indicators /news/education-scotland-publishes-inspection-report-awarding-kibble-as-very-good-across-all-quality-indicators/ Thu, 04 May 2023 09:42:11 +0000 /?p=5572 Education Scotland Publishes Inspection Report Awarding 四虎影院 as 鈥榁ery Good鈥 Across All Quality Indicators

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四虎影院 has Forest View Primary School and senior phase provisions, Goudie Academy and Mirin Academy as well as The Skills Academy, an education and training centre for young workforce development. All were evaluated by Education Scotland with the final inspection report praising us as 鈥榲ery good鈥 across all quality indicators.

Our supportive education programme follows Curriculum for Excellence and delivers an engaging learning experience, inspiring pupils to learn, fulfil potential and achieve.

The positive report by Education Scotland highlighted the fact our pupils felt happy and settled. Young people were highly motivated to engage with school activities and able to make choices during their learning. Overall, the broad and balanced curriculum centres around the needs, interests and aspirations of young people.

Our staff team take a practical and more innovative approach to learning, personal lesson plans are developed alongside bespoke programmes. By listening to young people and acting on their needs, opinions and future goals, meaningful relationships are built. This genuine commitment from staff has meant children and young people are surrounded by supportive adults who they trust. The unconditional encouragement has led young people to increase self-confidence, self-esteem and attainment with most of our students moving into education, training or employment. For young people to overcome barriers to learning and progress is a significant milestone, one they can be extremely proud of.

The report confirms 四虎影院鈥檚 staff team go above and beyond for young people from organising fun, practical and creative learning experiences to ensuring pupils have the resources to excel in numeracy and maths. Pupils have the opportunity to move forward with projects they themselves believe in, such as Goudie Academy pupils focusing on the environment and climate change and achieving the Eco Schools Green Flag award.

This past year has had many memorable moments including an end of year summer festival, an Oscars-inspired awards ceremony, sailing voyages, a pantomime performance and more. The future is exciting as we plan to build on the positive feedback and continue to empower young people through education, care and support.

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Street Soccer Care Cup 2022 /news/street-soccer-care-cup-2022/ Tue, 09 Aug 2022 10:42:37 +0000 /?p=4917 Last week a group of budding young footballers put their best foot forward for the annual Street Soccer Care Cup...

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Last week a group of budding young footballers put their best foot forward for the annual Street Soccer Care Cup 2022. Run by Who Cares? Scotland, a national organisation for care experienced people, the highly anticipated event brought together young people with care experience from across Scotland to take part in the soccer tournament.

Against the backdrop of the Glasgow Powerleague arena, eleven excited youngsters and seven staff at 四虎影院 donned their school football strips representing Goudie and Mirin Academy. The day kicked off at 10am where everyone took part in a quick warm up and stretching session, ahead of the first matches at 11am. There were 20 teams in total, with young people at 四虎影院 forming three of these: 鈥楾he Grasshoppers鈥, 鈥業nter troops鈥 and the perhaps the less assured 鈥楴o Clue鈥. We think the kids may have been referring to the staff players here!

From the moment the whistle blew at 11am, it was nonstop fun鈥 with a fair bit of competition thrown in. There was a real mix of ages taking part, and all demonstrated incredible sportsmanship with their support of others in their own and opposition teams. The atmosphere was incredible as the teams took part in a series of play-offs throughout the day, amalgamating in a prolific match final. Of course, everyone who took part was a winner, but it was the Inter troops team at 四虎影院 that proudly lifted the trophy in their division.

Everyone who took part in the event raved about it and are already talking about next year. The camaraderie, support and moral within the teams was incredible and the atmosphere was electric. New friendships were made, some were rekindled from years gone by, but overall, this was an event that celebrated inclusion and belonging. We鈥檇 like to say a huge thank you to Who Cares? Scotland for organising this fantastic event, which has become a firm favourite on the 四虎影院 calendar. Well done to everyone who took part, and we鈥檒l see you on the pitch next year.

鈥淚t鈥檚 been good to get out on an activity and play with the rest of the boys.鈥

鈥淚鈥檝e enjoyed it. The best part has been getting to play proper football. I was the goalkeeper for my team and I made a few saves.鈥

鈥淚t鈥檚 been good to get out on an activity and play with the rest of the boys.鈥

鈥淚t was a good day out. I enjoyed myself and I got to see my old staff too. I鈥檇 like to come again next year鈥.

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RSNO Visit Leaves Young People in Awe /news/rsno-visit-leaves-young-people-in-awe/ Tue, 07 Jun 2022 10:53:59 +0000 /?p=4840 Last week young people from Goudie and Mirin Academy enjoyed a special musical performance by talented musicians from the RSNO...

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Last week young people from Goudie and Mirin Academy enjoyed a special musical performance by talented musicians from the RSNO ahead of their highly anticipated concerto 鈥極ur Gilded Veins鈥 at Edinburgh鈥檚 Usher Hall.

Whilst many young people鈥檚 Spotify playlists tend to have more Rhianna than RSNO, the performance by principal flautist Katherine Bryan, supported by renowned Scottish composer Jay Capperauld, left everyone in awe. In particular, young people were visible impressed with the rendition of David Bowie鈥檚 infamous 鈥楲ife on Mars鈥 and learning how classical orchestra is often featured in many of the computer games and films they knew of.

Our Gilded Veins is a new original piece which draws parallels to the challenges of mental health, and how opening ourselves up to others can bring real positives. It relates to the Japanese art of Kintsugi where objects that have once been fractured are slowly mended with gold to make something more beautiful, symbolic of a pathway to healing. It is a metaphor for embracing flaws and imperfections. 

四虎影院 has a longstanding connection with the RSNO and in previous years young people have enjoyed taking part in various workshops at their Glasgow base, including the week-long 鈥楶aisley Takeover鈥. In addition to the workshops, young people have also been involved backstage, learning all about stage management and lighting.

Chris Macdonald, Music Teacher at 四虎影院 said:

鈥淪eeing young people so enthralled by the short performance at 四虎影院 was incredible. When they learned that much of the classical orchestra music was featured in computer games they played regularly, or recent films they have watched left them gobsmacked. Opportunities like this really help the kids expand their musical tastes and appreciate other genres鈥.

The RSNO鈥檚 performance of Our Gilded Veins opened on Friday 3rd June at the capital鈥檚 Usher Hall. Young people at 四虎影院 were sent a live link to Saturday鈥檚 final concerto to see it all come to life on stage with the full orchestra. We鈥檇 like to say a huge thank you to RSNO for treating us to a sneak preview and look forward to exploring new opportunities in the future.

鈥淪eeing young people so enthralled by the short performance at 四虎影院 was incredible. When they learned that much of the classical orchestra music was featured in computer games they played regularly, or recent films they have watched left them gobsmacked. Opportunities like this really help the kids expand their musical tastes and appreciate other genres鈥.

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Tending The Light Exhibition /news/tending-the-light-exhibition/ Mon, 07 Mar 2022 12:13:07 +0000 /?p=4624 In celebration of this year鈥檚 Festival of Care, which promotes the achievements of care experienced people, our schools held an...

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In celebration of this year鈥檚 Festival of Care, which promotes the achievements of care experienced people, our schools held an immersive and interactive art exhibition on Thursday 3th March aligned to this year鈥檚 theme 鈥楾ending the Light鈥.

Yesterday our sports hall was the backdrop for the illuminous arts exhibition, featuring a variety of art installations proudly created by over 60 young people from Forest View Primary, Goudie Academy and Mirin Academy. The exhibition was the amalgamation of a month of preparations by pupils and the expressive arts department, with artwork created in the classroom and evening workshops. The project was coordinated alongside Who Cares? Scotland and local artist, Dawn Hair, of RIG Arts.

According to Who Cares? Scotland, this year鈥檚 powerful theme 鈥楾ending the Light鈥 asked what it takes for us to Tend the Light and keep the beacons burning brightly for Care Experienced people across Scotland? What is the light that we are tending? Is it the light of The Promise, the light of love and care, of doing things differently? Is it tending our own light, making sure it burns brightly so it can be seen by those who need it? Is it the light of our Care Experienced people, nurturing their own inner beacons, supporting them to shine brightly?

Among the installations included lighthouses of various scales symbolising the guiding light that draws boats at sea to safe harbour, a colourful light feature created from recycled plastic, a light projection display, electrifying music, an illuminated 四虎影院 logo composed of vibrant bottle tops and buttons as well as a projector casting shadows in red, green and blue – perfect for photo opportunities and a chance for young people to practice their gymnastic prowess! Of course, every opportunity is a chance to learn and achieve, and the exhibition forms part of young people鈥檚 national qualifications and wider achievement awards.

The exhibition was a resounding success and welcomed pupils from each school to come and see their artwork come to life. 四虎影院 staff attended in their allocated times and to say there was high praise for the pupils was an understatement. We鈥檙e incredibly proud of what pupils have achieved and once again this demonstrates the incredible talent and creative imagination of young people across 四虎影院.

“So impressed! The imagination, creativity and colour has blown me away. Everyone involved should be so proud”.聽Jemma from Who Cares? Scotland

Outstanding! And showed lots of talent”. Dan

“Such colourful light houses – I loved them all”.聽Anon

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Our School Crests /news/our-school-crests/ Thu, 10 Feb 2022 11:18:22 +0000 /?p=4597 Pupils collaborated with 四虎影院鈥檚 design team to create crests for Forest View Primary School and the secondary schools within our Open Campus and Safe Centre. Take a look at the completed designs.

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Pupils collaborated with 四虎影院鈥檚 design team to create crests for Forest View Primary School and the secondary schools within our Open Campus and Safe Centre. Both pupils and staff are extremely proud of the completed designs.

Forest View Primary School

School pupils enthusiastically shared their ideas for a school crest and fully cooperated with the design team to bring the finished design to life.

鈥淚n our Forest View school crest, we need to include the animals. I would like to see Monster the tortoise in the design.鈥

Forest View pupil

Goudie Academy and Mirin Academy

四虎影院鈥檚 secondary schools were named by young people. All agreed upon 鈥楪oudie Academy鈥 for the school on-campus and 鈥楳irin Academy鈥 for the Safe Centre before beginning to think about what the school crests would look like.

Young people produced various sketches to illustrate the school values and culture. 四虎影院鈥檚 design team were challenged with narrowing the talented drawings down to three options for each school. The selected designs were transformed into digital format for young people to vote and decide the winners.

“We are very happy with the crest designs which will be a lasting legacy for 四虎影院.”

Executive Director, Audrey

The Skills Academy

四虎影院鈥檚 Education and Training Centre based in Hillington has its own logo. Find out more about The Skills Academy.

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