ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº Privacy Notice
The following information is the Privacy Notice for the ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº Group covering, ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº Education and Care Centre, ËÄ»¢Ó°ÔºWorks and all other registered companies as part of the ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº Group. This privacy notice is in relation to information collected about you.
About us
ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº Education and Care Centre
Goudie Street
- We are registered as a Scottish Charity, and our registration number is: SC026917 for ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº Education and Care Centre and SC035861 for ËÄ»¢Ó°ÔºWorks
- ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº Education and Care Centre is registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office, our registration number is Z5968316. ËÄ»¢Ó°ÔºWorks is additionally registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office, our registration number is ZA386001
- Any electronic communications will be made in accordance with the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR)
What Information do we collect?
Personal information (entered voluntarily with consent) on our website for the purposes of making a referral with ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº. Visitors information (entered voluntarily with consent for security purposes when visiting any of our sites. This may include:
- your name, email address and phone number, vehicle registration
- Images recorded by CCTV for Legitimate Interests
We will also collect and hold information (for Legitimate Interests) about any contact you have with us as a visitor or customer of ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº Group and may consist of details of:
- purchases and event registration / attendance
- contact preferences
- payment details where applicable
- details of correspondence sent to you, or received from you
- any other information provided by yourself at the request of ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº
When you provide your personal information, we will let you know why we require this and how we will use it by directing you towards this privacy notice.
How do we use your information?
This is dependent on your relationship with our organisation and your selected preferences, the information we hold may be used by us for the following purposes:
- Supporting placements within our organisation.
- CCTV and visitors information is used for the safety of visitors and staff in our locations and to prevent/detect crime.
- To inform you of marketing or promotional offers by post, telephone or electronic means. These may include informing you of events, promotions and celebrations alongside any other relevant communication based on your relationship with our organisation
- Data cleansing to ensure we have accurate contact details for you
- Tools may be used to monitor the effectiveness of our communications with you, including email tracking, which records when correspondence from us is opened and/or how many links are clicked within the message. The data from this tracking is generally used in an aggregated and anonymised form
If you wish to opt out of any aspect of communication with the ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº Group you can do so by simply contacting communications@kibble.org
How we ensure accuracy?
We will operate continual reviews of your data to ensure it is as accurate as possible.
We may consult alternative sources to support this process, such as:
Newspaper articles, publications and company websites
- Companies House and other company information databases
- Reviewing employment information made publicly available via social media
- Charity Commission and Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) registers
- Any other publicly available sources
If we appoint an external party to undertake this process all agreements will be compliant with GDPR legislation concerning Data Controllers and Processors to ensure the security of your information.
Do we share your data?
We will not disclose personal data to any third parties or external organisations, other than data processors carrying out work on our behalf. If we appoint an external party to process data on our behalf, all agreements will be compliant with GDPR legislation concerning Data Controllers and Processors to ensure the security of your information. Data processors will act only on our instructions.
We may need to transfer your personal information overseas. Where this is necessary, this may be to countries or territories around the world. We are required to ensure any transfers of data will be done securely, in accordance with best practice, and in compliance with GDPR legislation.
Your data will never be sold or passed to any third party for any other purpose.
How secure is your information?
The ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº group have implemented security protocols, policies and technical measures to protect all personal data.
These measures are designed to protect the data from:
- unauthorised access
- improper use or disclosure
- unauthorised modification
All ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº Group employees and data processors, who are involved in the processing of personal data, are legally obliged to respect the confidentiality of our visitors’ and customers’ personal data
How can I access my information?
By law, individuals are entitled to request access to information that we hold on them (Subject Access Requests), as well as apply for rectification of inaccurate details. This can be done by contacting
Information & Records Department
ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº Education and Care Centre
Goudie Street
Email: Information&Records@kibble.org
Alternatively, you can download our subject access request form.
- As well as the request form, the requester will be required to provide proof of who they are by means of 2 forms of personal ID – one photographic form, and one with current address details
- Subject Access Requests (SAR) will be processed within a calendar month
- Personal data will only be retained for the length of time the data is required for the specific purpose for which it was acquired
- As well as the right to request access to personal data, individuals are entitled under DPA, to prevent the processing of any information that is likely to cause damage or distress. You are also entitled to prevent the processing of information for the purposes of direct marketing
- However, exemptions to disclosure may apply in some circumstances.
- If you are unhappy with how your request has been dealt with, or our response, you can request a review. Otherwise, you can contact the Scottish Information Commissioner at:
The Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle
Doubledykes Road
St Andrews
KY16 9DS
Further details on Data Protection can also be found on theÂ
The ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº Group website/s sometimes places small amounts of information on your computer to make the website easier to use and improve our service. These are known as cookies and they are used by most major websites. You can access more information about our use of cookies by
Other websites
Some pages on ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôºâ€™s website may contain links to other websites. This privacy notice only applies to the ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôºâ€™s website
Privacy notice updates
Our privacy notice is regularly reviewed and changes may be made. Any updates/changes will be to this notice only and will appear in the notice. These updates will apply from the time of posting
How to contact us
If you have any comments on our privacy notice, or information we hold about you please contact us:
by email at